Moving from Isolated Excel-based Testing to an Organization-wide TCoE
Join Mohita Prasad for a discussion about her personal journey to create a Testing Center of Excellence (TCOE) for a mid-size consulting firm, AST LLC, a top Oracle partner in the Public Sector. AST has multiple delivery units, where each has its own isolated way of testing. We recognized the need for a better way of test management. We started with a Testing Repository of standardized resources that all delivery units could customize and use for their projects. We migrated from an Excel-based testing approach to one using an ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) solution that is linked to our JIRA issue management system. This approach provides transparency to our clients and to our internal team throughout the testing lifecycle. Our testing process is now uniform across delivery organizations, increasing customer service and satisfaction.
Session Information
Time: 12:45 - 1:45
Room: Interfaith Room (3rd Floor)
Mohita Prasad
Mohita Prasad
Mohita Prasad is currently Test Management Lead, at AST. She holds an MBA in Information Technology and Finance, and heads the Testing COE for her organization. Starting off as a tester she has since advanced to become testing lead for multiple projects.