Dazzling Dashboards on the Double: 60 minutes to your first Information Radiator
Making actionable information visible to your team can drive discussion, improve products, and influence behavior. You want to take steps to improve quality awareness on your team, but don’t know where to begin? Start by using telemetry to engage your team in facing and solving real problems! Walk away from this session with some ideas of what to measure and some tools to build your own information radiator in less than an hour!
In this session you will walk away with:
• The types of telemetry you and your team should consider monitoring
• The benefits an information radiator can have on your team
• How to set up quick and easy information radiators for your team using free tools and data you already have
• Challenges and successes we encountered launching information radiators at TechSmith
Session Information
Time: 12:45 - 1:45
Room: West Ballroom
Jess Lancaster is the QA Practice Manager at TechSmith, the makers of Snagit, Camtasia, and other visual communication software applications. He has over 18 years of testing and test leadership experience with government, financial, insurance, and commercial software organizations. Jess regularly speaks on software development and testing at meetups and conferences. He has served as adjunct faculty for software testing at Lansing Community College and is the co-founder of Lansing Area Software Testers.