Shift-Left Testing: QA in a DevOps World
As we try to shrink cycle times where does QA fit in this new paradigm? Are they the ugly step children that are left in the kitchen to eat only after development has finished the feast? And what of the start up that probably doesn’t even have QA?
This talk is aimed mainly at the Development and Operations folks who will have to wear the QA hat.
Deming said ‘Inspection does not improve the quality, nor guarantee quality. Inspection is too late. The quality, good or bad, is already in the product. As Harold F. Dodge said, “You can not inspect quality into a product.”
And Aristotle said, “Quality is not an act, it is a habit.”
Larry Smith, in reference to ‘Shift Left Testing’ concept, said, "Bugs are cheaper when caught young."
Session Information
Time: 3:05 - 4:05
Room: Student Alumni Room

David has worked at a variety of companies, both large enterprises and small startups. As a contractor and as an FTE. Mostly in Development but several years in QA. A few years ago when he started working at SAP, his boss handed him The Phoenix Project by Gene Kim and Continuous Delivery by Jez Humble and said, "Read these and figure out this DevOps thing".
David has been a member of the DevOpsDays Columbus organizing committee since it’s inception. He’s also Co-Organizer of the DevOps Columbus Meetup.