QA or the Highway
8:00 - 9:00
Testing Your Metal – Drawing Parallels Between Testing Concepts And Heavy Music
Paul Grizzaffi
East Ballroom
9:15 - 10:15
Co-Creation Workshops: What Role Do They Play?
Richard Douglass
Cartoon Room
Going Scriptless: Implementing Model-Based Test Automation in a Large Enterprise
Anita Uppalapati
& Joseph Beale
Great Hall 1 & 2
A Lifecycle Of Code Under Test
Robert Fornal
Great Hall 3
Fictional Test Data
Joshua Russell
Interfaith Room
Ensuring Accessibility
Kenny Gilles
Student-Alumni Room
How to develop and test AI Based Systems
Raj Subrameyer
West Ballroom
10:30 - 11:30
Why Diversity, Inclusion, and Representation is Necessary in Tech and Quality Assurance
Jenna Davis
Cartoon Room
New rules for smarter and faster testing
Shiva Agolla
& Mike Buening
Great Hall 1 & 2
Automating the Unknown - A journey of automating external applications
Ryan Quellhorst
Great Hall 3
Automated unit testing frameworks for ETL projects
Dennis Colburn
Interfaith Room
Automated ADA Testing with Pa11y and Ruby-Cucumber
Jerren Every
Student Alumni Room
Enhancing your Test automation Scenario Coverage Using Selenium
Eran Kinsbruner
West Ballroom
12:45 - 1:45
Let's focus more on Quality and less on Testing
Joel Montvelisky
Cartoon Room
I Can't Do That -- Using the Force To Unlock Your True Testing Potential
Ford Arnett
Great Hall 1 & 2
The Automation Firehose: Be Strategic and Tactical
Thomas Haver
Great Hall 3
The 5 Layers of Security Testing
Alan Koch
Interfaith Room
Quality Engineering Transformation - Open Source
Mohamed Maktoum Yoosuf
Student Alumni Room
Dazzling Dashboards on the Double: 60 minutes to your first Information Radiator
Jess Lancaster
West Ballroom
1:55 - 2:55
Getting to Continuous Testing
Max Saperstone
Cartoon Room
PyTest - The Awesome Parts
Josh Grant
Great Hall 1 & 2
The Era of Intelligent Testing: How Machine Intelligence is Shaping Future of QA
Brian Brady
Great Hall 3
Behind Your UI Scripts: So Much Room for (Network) Activities
Andrew Griffin
Interfaith Room
A Glimpse of Test Automation in Hadoop Ecosystem
Deepika Achary
Student Alumni Room
A Coach and a Geek: How to Coach, Test, Measure and Build an Accountable Quality Team!
Jeff Van Fleet
& Mark Adams
West Ballroom
3:05 - 4:05
Evolving API Testing into API Monitoring
Patrick Poulin
& Sangit Patel
Cartoon Room
End-to-End Testing with Docker
Kelsey Shannahan
Great Hall 1 & 2
Dev(QA)Ops Journey
Srini Raghavan Ramesh
Great Hall 3
Need for Speed - "How to Performance Test the right way"
Annie Bhaumik
Interfaith Room
Shift-Left Testing: QA in a DevOps World
David Laulusa
Student Alumni Room
Re-Shaping The Test Pyramid
Andrew Birkholz
West Ballroom
4:15 - 5:15
Climbing out of the Box: Bringing Your Quality Career into the Digital Era
Anne Hungate
East Ballroom